
Love those girls!

Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Update ! Welcome Evan Almighty, Sir Lancelot and Conean !

I cannot believe that it has been so long since I have updated my blog ! Time sure does move fast when the days are sunny and long. Now that they are winding down and harvest is upon us here I am again.
I have been so busy this summer, gardening, shearing, working and taking care of all of these creatures that time has escaped me.
My sheep herd and I did well at the fair this year ! I am moving into a new breed that I absolutely LOVE !! Blue Faced Leicesters ! the fiber is to die for and I love their dispositions. I have a lovely natural colored ram and two white ewes to start my purebred flock and then I am crossing the ram on my two Border Leicesters, my Shetlands and a couple of crosses that I have. So next spring lets just see what we have created in the fiber world !
On a sad note I lost my first and most favorite angora goat, Bruce Almighty to a urinary blockage. he is missed terribly and can never be replaced as he was a goat that never knew he was a goat ! On a better note I recently brought home three new little goaties and one is Bruce's nephew. Their pics are above. Welcome to the menagerie boys !

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So glad to see you back on here.
I enjoy reading about the antics at the farm.
Keep up the good (and entertaining) work.
We love you!