
Love those girls!

Monday, March 30, 2009

New Ram

I think that spring has arrived in spite of the fact that we had snow on the ground yesterday. We are preparing to go on the senior trip, Jordon and I. We will be heading to Myrtle Beach and I am hoping for half way decent weather.
Upon returning I will be getting more Shetland Sheep. One of the new ram's, Daniel is pictured above. I cannot wait to cross him on some of my ewes !
Saturday I was a vendor at the Black Swamp Markets Day in Bowling Green, Ohio. It was a nice time and we did pretty well for it being our first year.
Lambing for me should be starting next week and I am looking forward to all of the cute, bouncy little bodies in my pastures.
Take care all

Monday, March 23, 2009

Happenings on the Farm

(Kalvin at one of our PR events)

We are through our first wave of shearing and I have processed some very cool roving. We will be at the Black Swamp Market Day in Bowling Green this Saturday the 28th.

I have brought home my jennies and they are way cool. Lady is due in August so it will be very cool having a baby mini-donkey this summer.

We are down to five puppies, four boys and one girl. They are growing like weeds and maturing into very nice dogs.

Lambing should start after first week in April. I have six bred Shetland ewes and look forward to this years crop after seeing what my ram Robbie can throw crossed with my girls.

Next week is the senior trip and we will be in Myrtle beach for five days. I hope the weather is good for us.

Spring is here !!!

Sunday, March 15, 2009


Bella, Clarice and Ted
Lexee and puppies

Herbie, Ditto and Jack

Here are some pics of the many critters here, What a nice sunny day and I was having fun snapping shots.

PS: the scooter will be shipped next week !!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Ryan's Way Update

Gizzmo is King of the Hill

Hello All,

Been trying to get some shearing done and vaccinations. Off to a good start, now if the flooding would just stop I could move everyone into their summer pastures. I have never seen water this high in the 13 years I have been here.

The puppies are getting very big and romping around. they have just had their second shots and worming and have pretty much gotten over their ringworm. Their hair is growing back in and they are starting to look normal. Now they just have to go to new homes, :-)

I have the senior trip coming up and hopefully we will have good weather in Myrtle Beach. Then it is on to graduation and Jordon's party. And in between of all of that will be lambing and kidding. I am looking forward to the crop I will see this year.

Robbie, my main ram threw some very nice babies last year and even though they were born dark all of them are turning silver underneath. I was going to retire him as he can be a handful, but with his UK bloodlines and his silver fleece,hhhmmmm, I guess I can put up with him another couple of years.

Then I have Ben, my second Shetland ram who has a primitive fleece and I will be breeding with him come next fall. That will be an exciting cross.

Don got me a "Billy Goat Gruff" pen that fits in the back of my truck for transporting a few goats, sheep, dogs ect.. It is very cool and will get put to good use that is for sure.

I want to see green....................................

Take care all

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Spring is Coming !!

(the two new girls I am getting......Persee and Painted Lady)

I know spring is coming and I want the grass to be green again. I want little warm breezes blowing softly through the newly blossomed leaves, hahaha Who am I kidding................It is not here yet.

I did hand shear an ewe yesterday as she was beginning to roo and looked more like a poodle with her center wool missing. I have another to try and do tonight and it is vaccination season, so it could be a long weekend.

The mini-donkeys had their first tying lesson yesterday. Herbie, Jack and Ditto were not impressed by their "captivity" but a flake of hay made them a little happier. Ditto is the wild and crazy one and it seems that he has spring fever by the way he is acting. I think that he will make a wonderful cart donkey as he is so energetic and fancy stepping.
Melody Sue (llama) is due end of this month beginning of next. I am starting to check her udder just in case. She was not impressed with the invasion of privacy last night.
Knight's and Bing (male llamas) are starting to scream at each other over the fence lines. Gotta love that testosterone. I am down to eight llamas and would like to move two more to get to where I want.
My youngest son graduates this year and is in the Army Reserves. He will be gone again all this summer and he is talking about getting an apartment when he gets back. So I am taking a hard look at the number of animals I have and the time and energy that I have to take care of them without Jordon. At last count I have: 8 llamas, 3 mini-donkeys (with 2 more coming), 5 bunnies, 11 Angora goats (2 are leaving), 2 Nupine goats, 3 Romney sheep, 11 Shetland sheep, 3 dogs, 8 puppies (whom are all leaving someday), 1 bird, 4 inside cats and 9 barn cats. Chores do take a bit of time 2x a day. Oh ya, forgot Don's 2 heifers that are at the house until he finds a spot for them back at the farm.
I have been accepted into LongRidge Writers Group. So I am hoping to sharpen my writing skills and bring to life all of my tales from "down on the farm" haha with all of my special creatures.
Take care all............................