
Love those girls!

Thursday, February 12, 2015

And still waiting..........

Still waiting for lambs to start arriving and now that the artic zone has descended on us I am betting that these crazy ewes will start lambing. So checking several times a day and have the "lamb bag" all prepared.
Have instructed hubby on every possible scenario that could happen and what I would do in that instant. So hoping all goes well with all these new moms.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

The waiting game

I really hate the waiting game. All the ewes are becoming most excellent players in this game. I was hoping to space the birth of the lambs out some but I have a feeling this is not going to happen.
My first two ewes who, are first time moms were placed in their jugs a few weeks ago and so far nothing. I really don't know how the first one is still hanging on. Literally if her bum gets any more swollen something will fall out. And her belly is hanging so low I am praying for multiple births and not big lambs. It will be a most cool cross and I am anxious to see them. Aloe is a white BFL and has been crossed on a natural colored Wensleydale. Oooooo, the fiber prospects.
And so the watch continues and the rest of the ewes will be due next week with the exception of the new Wensleydales, thank goodness a little break before their babes come. Newer girls pictured below.