
Love those girls!

Friday, February 12, 2010

A Winter Update

This is what Luu looks like and about this size, this is a borrowed picture not actually her as my camera is still broke

I have been battling the snow drifts to haul hay and water this past week. But I would rather have snow than ice any day.

Been teaching Luu the pig to sit and play dead. She is getting quite good at this. Luu is a Hampshire sow that I bought from the fair when she was a month old. Now she is pushing 200 pounds and is 5 months old. She is rotten, plain spoiled rotten. LOVES attention and we are starting to play tag. I do not plan on butchering her as she is my pet but I do plan on breeding her and then selling babies to FFA and 4-H members. Of course my husband says that some day she will knock me on my butt and then eat me, I know she will probably knock me on my butt but I am hoping the eating part does not happen.

Had a couple of my rams made into sausage, hunters links as they call them, Very tasty I think I like that better than summer sausage.

Have some yummy Mohair and romney wool that will be available at the spinners flock meeting in Chelsea, plus bringing sausage also. Will be a fun meeting !


Nanny said...

I have GOT to see this!!
You were put on this earth to be around animals, Rob. You definitely have a gift, and we love you for you being you!!

Robin Ryan said...

Thank you, now ask me that yesterday at the horse farm when one of the big guys try to run me over !

Robin Ryan said...

Thank you, now ask me that yesterday at the horse farm when one of the big guys try to run me over !