
Love those girls!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Attack of the Puppies !!

The puppies are now seven weeks old and growing like weeds. they would just not settle down last night and we had playtime for 3 1/2 hours !! I was ready to hit the couch after that
I have a couple coming this weekend for a girl so we will see.

Bella (my second dairy goat) came home the other day and I think that her and Clarice will be best of friends. Clarice is still going through "mommy" withdrawals and mugs me as soon as I enter the trailer where they are for right now. I will get pics soon of those two.
I introduced Teddy to them as the three of them will be housed together. Even though he is three times bigger than them he hid behind me, wussy boy.
The picture above is the puppies during playtime and chasing Wuver.

1 comment:

Nanny said...

Never any dull moments @ the Ryan house...
Love all your entertaining blogs :)