
Love those girls!

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

More Snow

We are getting more snow and the temps are supposed to bottom out in the next day or so. I guess winter really is here.

I was out watering the other day and Ted was following me around the yard as usual. He has to taste every bucket I draw from the pump. Maybe his way of seeing if it will fit the patability of his fellow goats, I don't know. But I was carrying a bucket to the far pasture and I heard a very strong cry.

There was Ted, as I turned to see what was up, stuck in a snow drift and looking at me like it was all my fault. It probably did not help matters that Gizzmo was standing right in front of him jumping around and barking.

So I had to go back and pull Ted free. In which case he stalked off and would not come to me that night. What a brat!!

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