
Love those girls!

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Attack of the Puppies !!

The puppies are now seven weeks old and growing like weeds. they would just not settle down last night and we had playtime for 3 1/2 hours !! I was ready to hit the couch after that
I have a couple coming this weekend for a girl so we will see.

Bella (my second dairy goat) came home the other day and I think that her and Clarice will be best of friends. Clarice is still going through "mommy" withdrawals and mugs me as soon as I enter the trailer where they are for right now. I will get pics soon of those two.
I introduced Teddy to them as the three of them will be housed together. Even though he is three times bigger than them he hid behind me, wussy boy.
The picture above is the puppies during playtime and chasing Wuver.

Monday, February 23, 2009

My Newest Toy !!

I must be going through a mid life crisis or maybe spending so much money filling my truck is getting the best of me.

I am getting a 150 cc Scooter, pictured above !! I will be taking my motorcycle safety class in April so then I will be legal.

We still have eight puppies to go to new homes !! I have two people coming this weekend so hopefully they will leave with new friends. I do have someone in Conneticut who wants one but we are stuck when it comes to shipping. The airlines have no direct flights-they want to fly the puppy to Texas before going to the east coast, nonono. The ground shipping company is over 3 hours from me and I thought well that isnt too bad but then they want to meet a 2am. I don't think so. I guess we will see.

My Angora goat does are going to a new home this weekend.

I will have my second dairy goat as of tonight. Clarice will be going outside with her sister, I am sure she will not be liking that. But I got a new seatshirt for her to go under her bling bling coat. I will have to get a picture.

Spring is coming ................... just repeat after me..................haha

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Winter Blah

This picture is of Clarice in her diaper at work this past week!!!! She was such a good girl.

I have not blogged in awhile as I have been sick again. This time the flu and bronchitis laid me flat on my back for almost a week.

Clarice is now jumping up on furniture and can jump a three foot gate from a standstill. Time to be going outside soon I fear. I did take her out in her little coat the other day when it was nice and she was such a wussy girl, tip toeing around.

With the weather warming up somewhat I feel the need to begin shearing...........

Monday, February 2, 2009

Ryan's Way Update

(Jordon and Clarice taking a nap)

Hello All:

The puppies have been started on food as they are four weeks old. Which is a very good thing as Lexee has mastitis on her one back teat. It is pretty bad and is going to blow, we are trying to keep her from getting gangrene at this point in time. So the puppies may have to be taken off of her.

Clarice is in diapers now and tools around the house as if she owns the place. She is trying to jump up on furniture now and if I am sitting in the floor she runs and jumps in my lap and then wants to be cuddled and lays her head on my shoulder. She is not spoiled, haha.

Our first puppy has been sold and is going to Muskgeon, Michigan. His name is now Bruno.

Take care all..............